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5730 beads is how many k 5730 beads and 2835 beads which good

pkgled LEDSMDBEADS release time:2023-10-15 06:50:32 Reading volume:1

At present, many friends are interested in 5730 beads is how much k 5730 beads and 2835 beads which are good, then Tiancheng Xiaobian today in some and 5730 beads is how much k 5730 beads and 2835 beads which good related information to share with you, I hope to help you oh.

In modern life, the function of lamps and lanterns is illumination not only, it is a kind of adornment and beautification element more. Among the many beads, 5730 and 2835 are the two more common beads that differ in brightness and power, so what is their k value? Which one is more suitable for our needs? This article will introduce the difference and disadvantages of these two kinds of lamp beads for your reference.

5730 beads and 2835 beads are introduced

Both 5730 and 2835 beads are LED beads that belong to high brightness light sources and are often used in the field of lighting and decoration, but they differ in brightness and power.


5730 The size of the lamp bead is 5.7mm×3.0mm, the power is generally between 0.5-0.6W, and the brightness is up to 50-55 lm. The size of the 2835 lamp beads is 2.8mm×3.5mm, the power is generally between 0.2-0.5W, and the brightness is only 20-22 lm. Therefore, the 5730 lamp bead is more powerful and brighter than the 2835 lamp bead.

What is the k value of the 5730 beads and 2835 beads

The k value is the color temperature of the light source, which is measured in Kelvin (K) to indicate the color of the light source. In general, the higher the k value, the brighter the light, and the closer to the natural light. The lower the k value, the more yellow the light, the closer to the light of the bulb.

For the 5730 lamp beads and the 2835 lamp beads, their k values can be adjusted according to different requirements. In general, the 5730 beads have k between 2700K and 6500K, while the 2835 beads have k between 2700K and 10000K. Therefore, if we need higher brightness white light, we can choose 5730 beads, and if we need colorful lights, we can choose 2835 beads.

Which one is more suitable for our needs

Which kind of lamp bead is more suitable for our needs, we need to decide according to the specific situation. If what we need is high brightness white light, such as in offices, in factories and other places, then 5730 beads are a better choice. And if we need colorful lights, such as in hotels, KTV and other entertainment places need colorful lights, then 2835 lamp beads are more suitable.

In addition, there are some other factors that need to be considered, such as the power of lamps, the heat dissipation of lights and so on. Therefore, when choosing the beads, need to consider a variety of factors, choose the most suitable for their own needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of 5730 lamp beads and 2835 lamp beads

5730 lamp beads and 2835 lamp beads have their own advantages and disadvantages, let's have a specific understanding.

5730 Advantages and disadvantages of lamp beads


1. High power and high brightness: the power of 5730 lamp beads is generally between 0.5-0.6W, and the brightness is up to 50-55 lm, which is more suitable for places requiring high brightness lighting.

2. Long life: 5730 lamp bead is made of high quality LED chip, the life of more than 50,000 hours, not easy to damage, long service life.


1. High price: Due to the high power and high brightness, the price of 5730 lamp beads is relatively expensive.

2. Poor heat dissipation: due to the high power, the heat dissipation of 5730 lamp beads is not very good, and appropriate heat dissipation measures are needed.

2 Advantages and disadvantages of the 2835 lamp beads


1. Cheap price: Due to the low power and low brightness, the price of 2835 lamp beads is relatively cheap.

2. Rich colors: The k value range of 2835 lamp beads is relatively large, which can be adjusted to different color temperature, and the color is relatively rich.


1. Low brightness: Due to the small power, the brightness of the 2835 lamp beads is only 20-22 lm, which is not suitable for places requiring high brightness lighting.

2. Relatively short life span: due to the use of ordinary LED chips, the life span is relatively short.

The above is for "5730 is how much k 5730 and 2835 which is good" how do you think? For more, check out the recommendations below, which is a summary of this article

In conclusion, 5730 and 2835 beads are relatively common LED beads, which vary in brightness and power, and k values can also be adjusted according to different requirements. If we need high brightness lighting, we can choose 5730 beads; if we need colorful lighting, we can choose 2835 beads. Of course, when choosing lamp beads, still need to consider the power of lamps and lanterns, heat dissipation and other factors. I hope this article can be helpful for you to choose the lamp beads.