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7030 Light beads why easy bad led light beads why easy bad

pkgled LEDSMDBEADS release time:2023-10-30 16:29:57 Reading volume:1

At present, many friends are interested in why 7030 beads why easy to bad led beads why easy to bad, so Tiancheng xiaobian today in some and 7030 beads why easy to bad led beads why easy to bad related information to share with you, I hope to help you oh.

With the progress of science and technology, LED lamp beads have become one of the most commonly used light sources in modern lighting. However, when people use LED beads, they often encounter a problem: why do LED beads tend to break? Among them, the use of 7030 lamp beads is more prone to problems. This paper will discuss and answer this question from many perspectives.

What is the 7030 lamp bead7030

The bead is one of the LED beads with a size of 7mm x 3mm. It has the characteristics of high brightness, high efficiency, high reliability, long life and so on, so it is widely used in indoor and outdoor lighting, car lighting, TV backlight, computer display and other fields. However, it also has the problem of being bad, and we'll explore it.

Why the LED lamp beads are easy to break


The reasons for bad LED beads are as follows:

1. Heat problems

The LED lamp beads will emit a large amount of heat during their use. If the heat dissipation is poor, it will lead to the LED lamp bead temperature is too high, so that the life of the lamp bead is shortened, prone to bad points. Moreover, if the LED lamp bead is in a high temperature state for a long time, it will also cause its brightness to decline.

2. Voltage problem

LED lamp beads need to match the appropriate voltage when used. If the voltage is too high or too low, the LED beads can be damaged. Moreover, for a long time in too high or too low voltage state, will also make the life of LED lamp beads shortened.

3. Light decay problem

LED lamp beads in use for a period of time, its brightness will gradually decline, this is the phenomenon of light decay. The cause of light decay is mainly the material aging inside the LED lamp beads. If the LED lamp beads used for too long, or the environment is not very good, such as the temperature is too high, humidity is too high, will accelerate the aging of the material, thus that the light decay phenomenon.

4. Current problem

The LED lamp beads need to match the appropriate current when used. If the current is too large or too small, it will cause damage to the LED lamp beads. During use, if the current is unstable, it will also have adverse effects on the LED beads.

7030 Why the lamp beads are easy to break

7030 Light beads are more likely to break down than other sizes of LED light beads. The specific reasons are given as follows:

1. Light decay problem

7030 Compared with other sizes of LED lamp beads, the density of the internal material is higher, so there is a greater risk of aging, more prone to light decay problem.

2. Heat problems

7030 The volume of the beads is small, heat dissipation is not as good as other sizes of LED beads, easy to lead to high temperature, thus shortened life.

3. Voltage problem

Due to the small size of the 7030 lamp beads and their relatively short internal line, the tolerance for voltage is low, and a slight deviation will lead to its damage.

How to avoid the LED light beads broken

In order to avoid the LED lamp bead is broken, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Maintain good heat dissipation

When using LED lamp beads, we should ensure their good heat dissipation. The temperature of the LED beads can be reduced by installing a radiator and ensuring ventilation.

2. Match the appropriate voltage and current

When using the LED beads, we should match the appropriate voltage and current to avoid the damage to the beads caused by too high or too low voltage / current.

3. Keep a stable current

When using LED lamp beads, we should ensure the stability of their current to avoid the damage caused by current instability.

The above is for "7030 lamp bead why easy to break why led lamp bead easy to break" how do you think? For more, check out the recommendations below, which is a summary of this article

Through the above analysis, we can conclude that the above is for "7030 lamp bead why easy to break led lamp bead why easy to break" how do you think? The 7030 beads are easy to break mainly due to high internal material density, poor heat dissipation, and low tolerance for voltage / current. In order to avoid broken LED beads, we should maintain good heat dissipation, match the appropriate voltage and current, maintain stable current, etc.