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How to connect the connecting lamp (the correct wiring method of the lamp string)

LEDSMDBEADS release time:2023-10-29 13:45:14 Reading volume:1

For the serial light how to wiring (the correct wiring method of the lamp string) xiaobian today summarized the relevant information to share with you, I hope to be able to help you oh.

In our daily life, we often use tandem lights for decoration or lighting. However, many people will encounter confusion when wiring and do not know how to connect correctly. This paper will introduce the correct wiring method of series lamp in detail to help readers solve the wiring problems.

The basic principles of a series lamp

Before we begin to introduce the wiring methods, let's take a look at the basic principles of series lights. Tandem light is when multiple bulbs are connected together in turn, and the current flows through the first bulb and then to the next bulb, so circulating to form a circuit. When one bulb in the circuit is damaged, the entire circuit is interrupted and all the bulbs do not light up.


After understanding the basic principle of the series lamp, let's introduce the correct wiring method below.

The first wiring method: a single line in series

Single-line series is the most common wiring method and the simplest one. The specific steps are described as follows:

1. Prepare the required light bulbs and wires.

2. Connect the positive electrode of the first bulb to the positive electrode of the power supply (usually the fire wire), which can be fixed using insulating tape or plug.

3. Connect the negative electrode of the first bulb to the positive electrode of the second bulb, and continue to fix it with insulating tape or plug.

4. Repeat the above steps until all the light bulbs are connected in series.

5. 4. Connect the negative electrode of the last bulb to the negative electrode of the power supply (usually zero line), also fixed with insulating tape or plug.

In this way, the whole series of the lamp wiring is completed.

The second wiring method: double-line series

Double-line series is a safer wiring method, which can avoid the problem of excessive current caused by excessive bulb series. The specific steps are described as follows:

1. Prepare the required light bulbs, wires, and switches.

2. Connect the positive electrode of the first bulb to the positive electrode of the power supply (usually the fire wire).

3. Connect the negative electrode of the first bulb to one port of the switch.

4. Connect another port of the switch to the positive pole of the second bulb.

5. Connect the negative pole of the second bulb to the positive pole of the third bulb and continue connecting.

6. 4. Connect the negative of the last bulb to the negative of the power supply (usually zero).

In this way, the two-line series wiring is completed.

The third wiring method: parallel series

Parallel series is a more complex wiring method, which can realize multiple sets of series lights in parallel. The specific steps are described as follows:

1. Prepare the required light bulbs, wires, and switches.

2. The wiring method of each group of series lights is connected according to the single line series or double line series method introduced above.

3. Connect the switches of each group of series lights together to form a parallel circuit.

4. 4. Connect the two ports of the parallel circuit to the positive and negative poles of the power supply (usually the live wire and the zero line) respectively.

In this way, the whole parallel series of wiring is completed.

Precautions for the series lamp

During the wiring of series lights:

1. Ensure the use of wires and plugs conforming to national standards to avoid short circuit or other safety problems.

2. Choose the right bulb power to avoid excessive current from burning out.

3. Check and replace the damaged light bulbs regularly to ensure the normal operation of the whole circuit.

4. If you are not sure of your wiring ability, it is recommended to ask professionals to conduct wiring.

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This paper introduces the correct wiring method of series lamp, including single series, double series and parallel series. Either way, you need to pay attention to safety and reasonable choice of bulb power. I hope that readers through the introduction of this article, can correctly wiring series lights, to provide help for home decoration or lighting.