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7wCOB paint

pkgled LEDSMDBEADS release time:2023-10-14 14:06:11 Reading volume:1

Now many friends are very concerned about 7wCOB marble voltage is how much backlight marble voltage is how much. Then Chen Xing Xiaobian will share the relevant information about the voltage of 7wCOB marbles and the voltage of backlight marbles with you today, hoping to help you.

With the continuous development of science and technology, the application of display is more and more extensive. Backlight bead is a very important component in the manufacturing process of display, and the voltage of backlight bead is also a very concerned issue for manufacturers and consumers. Among them, 7wCOB bead voltage and backlight bead voltage have attracted much attention. What is the voltage of 7wCOB beads? What is the backlight bead voltage? Let's take a look at it together.

7wCOB lamp bead voltage

7wCOB lamp bead is a new lamp bead used in TV, monitor and other products at present. Its advantages are high brightness, good color restoration and long service life. What is the voltage of 7wCOB beads?


In fact, there is no fixed standard for 7wCOB bead voltage. Because its voltage depends on the specific usage, including voltage, current, power and so on. Generally, when manufacturing 7wCOB lamp beads, we will customize lamp beads with different voltages according to customers' requirements to meet different use requirements.

Backlight bead voltage

Backlight bead is an important part of the display, its main function is to provide backlight illumination, so that the image of the display is clearer and brighter. The voltage of backlight marbles is also a very important parameter. So, what is the voltage of backlight beads?

The specific value of backlight bead voltage depends on the type and specification of backlight bead. At present, there are two common backlight beads in the market: CCFL cold cathode lamp and LED lamp bead. Among them, the voltage of CCFL cold cathode lamp is about 500V, while the voltage of LED bulb is between 2V and 4V. Of course, this is only a general range, and the specific voltage value needs to be customized according to the requirements of products.

Relationship between 7wCOB lamp bead voltage and backlight lamp bead voltage

7wCOB marbles and backlight marbles are important components of the display. What does it matter?

In fact, 7wCOB marbles and backlight marbles are not directly related. 7wCOB beads are mainly used to provide color restoration, high brightness and long service life. Backlight beads are mainly used to provide backlight illumination. Of course, in the specific product design, the selection and collocation of 7wCOB beads and backlight beads should be customized according to the requirements of products.

How to correctly choose 7wCOB marble and backlight marble voltage?

What factors should be considered when choosing 7wCOB marble and backlight marble voltage?

First of all, we need to consider the use requirements of specific products. Due to the different use environment and requirements of different products, the types and specifications of 7wCOB lamps and backlight beads are also different.

Secondly, we should consider the cost factor. The price of 7wCOB marbles and backlight marbles will be different due to different types and specifications. On the premise of ensuring quality, we should try our best to choose cheaper accessories.

Finally, we should consider the strength and reputation of manufacturers. Choose the 7wCOB lamps and backlights produced by powerful and reputable manufacturers, which can ensure product quality and after-sales service.

Importance of 7wCOB lamp bead voltage and backlight lamp bead voltage

Although 7wCOB bead voltage and backlight bead voltage are a small part of the display, their importance can not be ignored. Proper selection of 7wCOB marble and backlight marble voltage can ensure the performance and quality of the display and improve the user experience.

The above is the detailed introduction of "how much is the voltage of 7wCOB lamp bead and how much is the voltage of backlight lamp bead". What do you think? For details, please see the relevant suggestions below. The following is a summary of this article.

7wCOB bead voltage and backlight bead voltage are two very important parameters on the display. The 7wCOB marble voltage depends on the usage, and the backlight marble voltage depends on the type and specification of the backlight marble. Proper selection of 7wCOB marble and backlight marble voltage can ensure the performance and quality of the display and improve the user experience.